Anyway, I will now introduce you to this week's drink...
Pepsi: Mont Blanc
I love Pepsi! Not diet, but regular. So, I'm thinking... 'Cool, a Pepsi product.' Devin and I tasted it. We decided it tasted a little like cream soda... there was a hint of vanilla... OK, so far... but then... wait for it... the aftertaste. What IS that? we wondered. Devin tasted coffee; I thought I tasted some sort of liquor... either way, we both decided we would not be fans of this one.
After some research, I discovered that Mont Blanc (yes, it means "white mountain") is a French dessert that consists of pureed chestnuts and whipped cream (among other ingredients, I'm sure). That's the flavor Pepsi was going for with this seasonal offering. Well, I don't know much about chestnuts... but I do know I won't be partaking of another Pepsi: Mont Blanc...
This one actually sounds kinda good!