Sunday, October 2, 2011

Bios on the Hill

 We went to a beautiful place called "Bios on the Hill" in early September. Sooooo pretty! There were orchids everywhere.

Noah and Mommy... he wasn't very interested in getting his picture taken...

Getting ready to board our boat for a ride...

Noah loved the boat ride!

Emerie loved the little goats. She kept waving at them and saying, "Hi! Hi!"

This goat looks a little annoyed.

There was a great big play area with really neat wooden equipment.

Emerie just climbed right up. Then, once at the top, when she realized how far up she'd traveled, she changed her mind and had Daddy help her back down.

Fun for all ages!

Walking along, looking at the beauty, and... what's this?

I almost ran right into this giant spider... with my face! I thought I was going to have a heart attack! You can't tell here, but it was about as big as Devin's palm. Yikes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Looks like Emerie's picking a good one!

Water buffalo cart ride...

This rooster kept strutting around...

A tiny truck...

Devin is dying to get one of these!

This orchid smelled like chocolate! So cool!


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