My favorite.

The ever-present shisa... guarding the bathrooms... I thought it was such a pretty picture though, so I cropped out the toilet sign.

Yes, that squid on a stick... in case you were wondering...

Yummy things... I have no idea what some of them are, but we ate 'em!

Can you believe it?!? Good ol' corn dogs! With mustard! (As if there were another way to eat a corn dog!)

Emerie loves beans... pinto, black, white northern... whatever ya got. So she especially liked the fried fish shaped pies filled with sweet bean paste.

She's not saying "Cheese." She saying, "Beans!" For real. That's bean paste on her chin.

Noah enjoyed his strawberry lollipop. Shaped like a strawberry. It was really pretty; sorry I didn't take a picture. Okinawan desserts are often very pretty... like tiny works of art.

These poinsettias were just growing. Right there. Out of the ground. I've never seen them like this before... I've only known them sold in pots at Christmastime... you know, the pots with the shiny foil on them. Aren't these amazing?!?

We decided that the white shorts weren't necessarily the best choice. These guys seemed to be enjoying themselves anyway.

One of these lovely ladies is the Cherry Blossom Queen... I think...

And here's the girl who gets to hold their coats.

I love this one.
Fun! Oh my heavens, the white shorts...