Monday, December 20, 2010
Snack of the Week
And now for something completely... pointless...
This is how Noah eats a breadstick... he chews up and down the sides, kinda like the way one would eat corn-on-the-cob. He's also been known to eat his bananas this way... and pickles. Interestingly, he does not eat corn-on-the-cob. He won't eat if off the cob either, but that's another post entirely.
The Move Continues...
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Uninvited Guest
(From Devin) So our dog has been sniffing around the laundry room all day (annoying us like crazy) so we block her access to that room. I figure there is a gecko in the room. No big deal. Later on, she starts sniffing under one corner of a cabinet in the kitchen. So we open the door, wheew... stinks!! We'll deal with it tomorrow and decide to block her from that room. Then all of a sudden, she wigs out, barking like crazy. I go into the kitchen, pull out the roaster pan drawer under the oven... a RAT!!! The body is 5-6 inches long and the tail another 3. No field mouse, no house mouse, A RAT!!! It even took a wiz in our roasting pan! I hope the thing likes Raid Rat Bait, because that's whats for dinner, buddy! Show of hands, who buys a new pan (it's a very nice calphalon pan that we got as a wedding gift) and who just says wash it VERY VERY good? Follow up question, how expensive a pan does it have to be before you say, wash it!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Southeast Botanical Gardens
Saturday, December 4, 2010
While I'm on the subject....
This place cracks me up...
I love how Okinawans add those extra touches to make even everyday things special. For instance, all the taxi cabs I see have these lovely lacy seat covers on all the seats... even the headrests. Also, road construction signs have pictures of different flowers on them... like, "Caution: Road Work Ahead" with a photo of a lovely orchid beneath the Japanese and (thankfully) English text.
So it should have been no surprise to me today when I went to the ladies' room at a shopping center... (Marcie's typing this... just so you know... and, if you feel you're about to get a dose of TMI, then go ahead and skip reading the rest of this...)
Anyway, like I said... I go into the ladies' room. I walk past the "squattie potty" stall... just wasn't feelin' it... and proceeded to find a "normal" toilet. I'd barely laid tush on the seat when all of a sudden I began to hear the sweet sounds of nature... blowing breezes and birds chirping... Wha?!?!?!? Can you believe they have automated nature sounds that play so as to drown out any... um... noises one might make whilst takin' care of business. And sure enough, the lady in the stall next to me had chirping birds playing as well. It. Cracked. Me. Up. I thought I was going to laugh out loud right there in the stall. I don't care who you are; that's just funny.
So it should have been no surprise to me today when I went to the ladies' room at a shopping center... (Marcie's typing this... just so you know... and, if you feel you're about to get a dose of TMI, then go ahead and skip reading the rest of this...)
Anyway, like I said... I go into the ladies' room. I walk past the "squattie potty" stall... just wasn't feelin' it... and proceeded to find a "normal" toilet. I'd barely laid tush on the seat when all of a sudden I began to hear the sweet sounds of nature... blowing breezes and birds chirping... Wha?!?!?!? Can you believe they have automated nature sounds that play so as to drown out any... um... noises one might make whilst takin' care of business. And sure enough, the lady in the stall next to me had chirping birds playing as well. It. Cracked. Me. Up. I thought I was going to laugh out loud right there in the stall. I don't care who you are; that's just funny.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Clown Car of the Week #2 (sort of weekly, really)
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