Sunday, May 13, 2012

Lost in Translation, Part 2

I couldn't resist one last post... a second installment of what I've called "Lost in Translation." Here, I've gathered some more of my favorite samples of what is affectionately called "Engrish." And just in case it needs to be said, this is in no way meant to be rude or disrespectful... it's just darn funny. Translating from Japanese into English is not simple, and some things just don't translate well. Here's proof.

I love how polite this is... "We hope you can choose the best one for yourself." Truly, there are days when picking what to eat for lunch can be a difficult decision. I seem to recall this sandwich being a good one, so evidently I chose well.

"Flu(e) is becoming popular." I like how it says "Please wash the hand..." as though just one clean hand will suffice.

Aren't these tissues cute? 

This one was too easy.

"Fresh smell of Italy production lemon matches to fine quality tea." Hmmmmmm...

This fruit drink is so happy!

I was never quite sure what a "digestive" biscuit might be.

I just like the name of this candy. It's fun to say. And it's fun to eat too!

This is from Okinawan Sweets Fashioncandy. Fashioncandy?

I love Orion Beer's tag line... "For Your Happy Time."

Just read it. Makes you smile, doesn't it?

Love this one.

OK, so nothing is translated into English here, but this just cracked me up. This lovely young lady is demonstrating how easy it is to use shoji screen paper. But for the life of me, I can't figure out why she's dressed up like this...

"The sweet of OkashiGoten value the material of Okinawa and handmade warmth." Well... I don't know about all that, but I will tell you these Shikuwasa (Okinawan lime) cakes were TASTY!

I LOVE the kids' clothing. This little vest says, "Snappily Poet."

More kids' clothing... So fun to read...

And while I'm on the subject of clothing, I must add some things I've seen on biker jackets. I wasn't able to photograph any, but I can remember a few. These are actual sayings I saw on the backs of biker jackets out and about on the streets:
"Yellow Corn"
"Ham Steaks"
and... my personal favorite... "Expeditionary Crusts"
I am not making this up.

Well then, call me Greedy!

I don't think there were actually any donkeys served at this restaurant... but I didn't ask. I didn't really want to know.

I wish you could see it, but you'll have to take my word for it. The name of this pub is "Be-Crayon."

I always loved the name of this hair salon. 

This was posted at a Tokyo train station. Can you zoom in on it? It's OK... I'll break it down for ya...

"Any masterpiece just becomes noise disturbance when emanating from earphones." I've always thought so, but doesn't this put it so politely and eloquently?

"Your seat should only be as wide as your bottom, not the width of your spread legs." The best part is the graphic.

This just flat cracks me up! 

No English translation needed for this one. Seems pretty clear to me!

This one is my favorite. Just read it. Then read it again. If you figure out what it means, let me know.

All of this makes me a little "homesick" for Okinawa. What an amazing experience it was to call it home... if only for a little while. I'll miss its beauty, its charm, its humor, and its people, and I'll forever treasure the memories we made there. 
We love you, Okinawa!
Yours truly,
The Smiths

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Final Days on Okinawa

Now that we've moved back to Oklahoma and are no longer the "Okinawa Smiths" I've decided to update the ol' blog with some scenes from our last days on the island. I like to stay on top of things like that.  As soon as we found out we'd be leaving this beautiful place earlier than we'd planned, I told my beloved to get his wallet ready and buckle up 'cause we were gonna spend our last weeks seeing, buying, doing, and eating everything we possibly could. And so we did. There are so many things we never got to see and do, but we gave it our best shot. We truly loved the time we spent here, and we'll miss this place and the people we've met. Here are just a few (trust me) glimpses of our final days...

Cape Manzamo. No visitor should ever go to Okinawa and leave without seeing this.

Sunset over Kadena Marina... one of our favorite spots. We loved eating at Seaside Ristorante... the food was mediocre, but with a view like this... ahhhhh... That, and the kids got to feed the fish.

A winter's day spent on Torii Beach.

Fukushu-en Chinese Gardens

Cherry blossom viewing at Nakijin Castle

Sakura season... my favorite!

Nakijin Castle ruins

They served hot cherry blossom tea on this cold and windy day... isn't it pretty? But I'm sorry to say it tasted like warm salt water.

This one was taken at the Nago Cherry Blossom Festival after eating the absolute worst lunch of all time. :)

Climbing the stairs at the Nago festival

A day on Hamahiga Island

Katsuren Castle

Painting our own shisa at Murasaki Mura

Sculpting our own shisa at Gala

Noah's creation

My shisa

Maeda Flats... this was an unbelievably beautiful day! The tide had gone out before we arrived and we could walk out and see sea life in the tide pools... tons of Blue Damsels... so cool!

Himawari (Sunflower) Festival

Did I mention the sunflowers?

Sayonara, Okinawa. It's been a wild ride... one I wouldn't have missed for the world!